Apparently, Sennett built an office atop a tower and installed big windows and a giant bathtub.
A disturbance spread into the water in the Upper Bay as though a drain had opened in a giant bathtub.
And every once in a while I'm not moving at all, just floating in a giant bathtub.
New Orleans, in particular, "is essentially a giant bathtub," he said.
With pelicans and gulls riding trade winds above, the warm-water bay makes a giant bathtub of the Atlantic.
Between November and February, part of the river is blocked off to make a giant bathtub that can fit hundreds of guests at once.
That's why I wanted to come to beach, because the ocean is like a giant bathtub.
We stayed at a 400-year-old converted coach house that had giant freestanding bathtubs.
In essence, the Great Lawn is a giant bathtub.
It is as though all production in funneled into a giant bathtub.