In a deal signed today, World AIDS Day, the government agreed to accept a $50 million donation of the drug fluconazole from the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has its European Manufacturing base in Newbridge, with another plant in nearby Newcastle in County Dublin.
Now he personally lobbies Mr. Pataki on behalf of companies like AT&T and the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, state records show.
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer came under criticism in 2001 for allegedly testing meningitis drugs on Nigerian children.
In 2012, BYU reached a legal settlement with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer over a long-disputed patent claim involving the research behind the successful drug Celebrex.
Buried in the proxy of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer were details about more than the money it pays its board members and top executives.
And in about a month, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will put into the hands of many older patients a tool that will make life a bit more difficult for dismissive physicians.
This spring McElhaney sent her students out to study a dozen or so enterprises, among them the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, the computer company Hewlett-Packard and the Detroit Lions.
But slightly more than two years ago a shrunken and humbled AT&T sold the sprawling campus to Pharmacia, part of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, for $200 million.
In 1963, Yvonne sold Coty Inc. to pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, with the stipulation that no member of the Coty family would be involved in the company.