The body is concealed and Joe returns to a ghostly existence.
Even before she died in 1969, Judy Garland had begun a ghostly public existence, buried beneath layers of clichés.
Harry's head and body led separate but related ghostly existences, with the body carrying the head around everywhere, and both of them were able to talk.
But we must talk, to give you time to acclimatize, to learn the ways of the ghostly existence, so that you may operate with competence and confidence.
One can free them from their ghostly existence by performing their funerary rites.
Bob, however, simply reverts to his ghostly existence.
Most of Gil Wilson had left her, but there were bits left behind: nuggets of information about ghostly existence.
Originally, the Gentleman Ghost seemed to rely on devices to simulate a ghostly existence; the original 1940s stories left the question of his nature open to speculation.
But these places, largely abandoned, live a ghostly existence.
Naturally, Joey had a hard time convincing his family and friends of Jennifer's ghostly existence.