The hill lies directly west of the ghost village of Tyneham.
Eventually finding a ghost village, the father goes on top of a hill to look down on the village.
Still part of the official municipal structure, some of these ghost villages, like Isupovo, continue to be supplied with electricity.
A group of archeologists go into a ghost village that is cursed by its past.
Eventually we arrived at what seemed to be a ghost village: no one was in sight.
The bay lies directly south of the ghost village of Tyneham.
Hobb's End had turned into a ghost village.
Eleven ghost villages line the main road just northwest of here.
If any part of it was still standing, he could scan for smoke from a hearth if anyone inhabited the ghost village.
Finally, in 2009, it was announced that the "ghost village" was to be demolished to allow development of a marina.