The three ghosts see a golden opportunity to prove that their techniques are better than Kibosh's.
The ghosts of the James brothers might see it differently.
But how could you know that a ghost saw things that way!
Without a host, a ghost is a lot faster than the physical world and sees everything in slow motion.
The ghost could see as well without light as with.
As for the apparitions that figure in this book, "I think all people who see ghosts see them because they need to."
The ghosts Michael saw on our wedding night,' she said, 'in this very room.
Willie's ghost arises, sees his body, and is told by Sam that he's dead.
For the most part, they seem far too weak for such a possibility, but who is to say that ghosts don't see and learn?
I stood under the oak tree, wondering if the sad ghosts of the cemetery could see all these living people.