The adult ghosts hung back, listless or fearful, but the children all came thronging forward.
The possibility that his ghost might still be uh, hanging about contributed nothing to the desirability Of the pumphouse as a hiding place.
The ghost of the heroic couplet hangs faintly in the background.
Old One's ghost hung on for a little longer, huddling and retreating as thought's potential ebbed.
Halloween may still be a few weeks in the future, but too many ghosts are hanging around "Bootmen."
The ghost of the Willow Tree hung over the party.
She'd read somewhere that ghosts didn't just hang around physical locations-that sometimes, a person could be haunted.
And so the ghost of Menachem Begin hangs over the present.
A ghost of lavender or lilac or something hung around her.
I wondered if his ghost had hung around that long, waiting, before it departed for wider universes.