Following the ghost to the basement of the school, they discover that the ghost is just someone wearing a ghost costume.
In the white bedsheets, they looked like a couple of overgrown trick-or-treaters out in ghost costumes on the wrong night.
To make matters worse, she is allergic to the sun, which forces her to use a protective suit that looks like a ghost costume when she is outdoors.
A ghost costume consisted of three main elements:
When the toddler Andrew Tobias, in ghost costume, fell out the back window of his chaperone's station wagon, he did not scream.
Haddock caringly - and unwittingly - attempts to help him recover, using British redcoat soldier costumes, trick cameras, water guns, fire crackers, and even a ghost costume.
He and his wacky staff of Irish characters set about creating ghost costumes and effects for their first group of American lodgers.
"Try it with the ghost costume," snapped Alan, opening the door as he spoke.
Since you'd seen my face, I decided I'd better use a ghost costume as a disguise, in case you came back to look for me.
My daughter wore a white sheet over her head as a ghost costume for Halloween.