"I didn't get much research done, but I sure had a good time."
I wouldn't get much magical research done from a cardboard box in an alley.
He said that they "were mavericks in a sense, pioneers in getting research established."
Once a new safety problem is discovered, it is difficult to get unbiased research on the subject.
"But we should benefit from the integration across the brands, the shared learning when you've got best-in-class research."
While enough to get basic research started, scientists and patients' groups said the lines would not be enough to turn stem cells into therapies.
"But there seemed to be trouble getting that research from the laboratory to some practical application," he said.
The 1976 article was an attempt to get research restarted, but apparently failed.
"Will you trust me to go get the tablets and research and place them somewhere safe?"
If only this were about getting research to investigate natural substances with a view to finding potential ways of protecting plants.