"And to me, winning is an organizational responsibility - we all get plaudits when it happens," Wilpon said.
The Harvard Law professor's book on race gets plaudits for its equal-opportunity attacks on both the left (for tendentiously seeing racism everywhere) and the right (for willfully seeing racism nowhere).
Without bitterness, but with five years' experience, Lord Wilson said yesterday: 'No Governor should expect this job to be a bed of roses or to get plaudits or easy popularity.
Thereafter he got critical plaudits for his characters in "Jackpot" and "Risk".
But President Lyndon B. Johnson was showing the world his gallbladder surgery scar in 1965; nine years later, Betty Ford was forthcoming about her breast cancer and drinking problem, getting plaudits for raising awareness.
He gets national plaudits for reviving parks in Chicago, which cover 7,330 acres and have an annual budget of $280 million ($320 million if you include city-financed museums within parks).
Well that's not true - he got wholly undeserved plaudits as the "Iron Chancellor" from 97-2007.
He then went on to score two free kicks against Wolverhampton Wanderers on 1 January 2013, getting huge plaudits from Crystal Palace manager Ian Holloway.
I suppose Mr Osborne got plaudits when he cornered Gordon Brown in the election that never was on this issue.
Not only do patients like it," Dr. McCann said, "but we're also getting plaudits from doctors who feel that ambulatory surgery not only minimizes patients' anxiety about surgery, but hastens recovery.