Last year, the homes got about $150 million in public aid.
It is four times what it spends on health care, and more than it gets in foreign aid.
In 1985 it got about $15 million a year in American foreign aid.
But that estimate assumes the city will get a total of $20 billion in aid, a figure that is not yet assured.
Even so, he has got a less-than-whopping $11,000 in aid.
Connecticut's 169 cities and towns would get about $50 million less in direct aid from the state over the next two years.
And the last man on his feet gets the extra hundred mil in foreign aid.
Yet Uganda continues to get about $100m a year in foreign aid.
New Mexico, on the other hand, got $2.08 in aid for every dollar of federal income tax its residents paid.
At the same time, the regime would continue to get tons of arms and billions in aid from its Soviet sponsor.