It'll probably get a reasonable concession from the union on six years, with an entry age of 19.
David needs all the help he can get right now from the union.
Managers of large office and apartment buildings usually contract with maintenance companies, which get their workers from the union.
"If G.M. can't get major cost savings from the union, it would be a disappointment," Mr. Kirnan said.
"Might get that from the union," he suggested.
Meanwhile, workers get only $200 a week from the union for walking the picket line.
"But I'm more pro-equality, and there was a time when blacks and Latinos and women had to go to war to get any work from the union."
Without reopening the contract, G.M. is limited in the concessions it can get from the union.
"If we could get some information back today or tomorrow from the union, we'd have a chance to work on some things over the weekend," he said.
Furthermore, Ford gets good input from the union and has good relations with the union.