Have them get their benefits from their job and not the Federal Government.
Thank goodness she got the sack from her job at the paper otherwise who knows how long the storyline would have rumbled on for.
Joe gets home from his job as a cab driver late one night and Phyllis accuses him of seeing another woman.
Patrick Riordan always thought that nothing could match the adrenaline rush he gets from his job.
And his girlfriend got the sack from her job not too long ago.
I got six dollars a week from my job on the paper and always took it straight home to mother.
Oreidi had gotten one, too, from his job at a meatpacking factory.
Sure, you may not be all that happy right now, but I bet you get a certain satisfaction from your job.
I understand when money's tight, but we got all that cash from our new job.
Watching my plants grow gives me a sense of accomplishment that I don't always get from my job.