Even small institutions have managed to get financing for multiple-visit programs.
But while Mr. Cheney lost on these counts, the Pentagon largely got its way on spending for strategic nuclear programs.
Mr. Martinez talks about expanding services for senior citizens and to get money for additional child care and preschool programs.
Although Congress is projecting a budget surplus of as much as $100 billion for 1999, it will not be easy for the Administration to get money for new programs.
The Japan Society, on East 47th Street, says it gets sold-out crowds for programs on Japanese design, cuisine, architecture, comic books and the animation form known as anime.
He pointed out that the lower ranking would help him get extra money for special programs.
He said it was difficult to get financial aid for such programs because American officials felt that it was immoral to give money to coca farmers to help them switch crops.
But, he said, "It's questionable how much longer we're going to be able to get funding" for programs like Datahr's.
New York and California would get less money for vitally important programs.
It is not one of the schools with overwhelmingly black enrollment that would get increased funds for remedial programs as part of a current desegregation proposal.