The gesture was small but expressed his frustration with perfect eloquence.
Body and gesture cannot express an idea but can provoke an idea as part of a response in the spectator.
The gesture expresses - as probably nothing else could - a mind that has progressed beyond confusion to a state of almost total distraction.
Other psychologists reasoned that although gestures express emotion, this is not the entirety of their function.
The gesture, however inadequate in the circumstances, expressed something of the world's startled admiration of Belgium's fight.
No words were spoken, but Hank's gesture expressed his praise of Tom's exploit.
By singing, movement, and gestures one could express what was proscribed in ordinary speech.
Like Graham, she believed that gestures could express profound emotional truths.
Coris nodded, but the gesture expressed more acceptance than agreement, and Hektor knew why.
Delsarte held that gesture and "every little movement," as Shawn wrote, expressed emotion.