A goal of pie menus is to provide a smooth, reliable gestural style of interaction for novices and experts.
After World War II, he developed a looser, gestural style in response to current trends.
He frequently draws and paints African wildlife using his unique gestural style.
His subject and his Abstract-Expressionism-driven gestural style are a perfect match.
During this period, he painted with tar, creating his art with his feet in a gestural style.
Using the technique of scraping, he adopted a gestural style and created an abstract type of painting, still very colorful with an organic, aleatory design.
Martyrs (2009), a series of portraits, stands out through its expressive, gestural style.
The large pencil drawings in this show, abstract figure studies dating from 1958 to 1961, exemplify his gestural style.
A vigorous gestural style is manifest in most of these paintings and sometimes seems the primary reason for having done a certain historical episode.
A striking series made with the blood of spleen bought at the meat markets of Paris was produced in a painterly, free and gestural style.