Less than 0.4 percent of Germany's total primary energy supply came from geothermal sources in 2004.
The remainder was from the sun, the wind and geothermal sources.
Still others, drawing power from geothermal sources, maintained themselves and acted as if they yet had a purpose.
He has ordered the state to buy at least 20 percent of its energy from geothermal and other renewable sources by 2010.
This law gave an income tax credit to private residents who use solar, wind, or geothermal sources of energy.
The airport is heated using district heating with a geothermal source.
The site was promising: warm water is plentiful from geothermal sources.
The company also started utilizing its technology to generate electricity from geothermal sources.
In iceland for example some 70% of the country's energy needs are met from geothermal sources.
Usually geothermal sources are located fairly deep in the ground.