"The superpowers would have to recognize the geopolitical importance of the country."
Simply, the country's geopolitical and economic importance seems to come first and journalistic principles and ethics follow.
Brazil has great geopolitical importance because of its size, environmental resources, and potential economic power.
Politics is a dirty business, especially in places of geopolitical importance.
"We Europeans didn't discover the geopolitical or economic importance of certain sites."
Some scholars downplay the geopolitical importance of water.
Many of the islands along the Azerbaijani coast continue to hold significant geopolitical and economic importance because of the potential oil reserves found nearby.
Latin America and the Caribbean's vast resources give the region great geopolitical importance, attracting foreign interest for centuries.
We must also not forget that the countries of the Western Balkans are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons.
Its geopolitical and economic importance for the EU is constantly increasing in terms of security, stability and energy.