Besides the ordinary cycles of the economy, the agency confronts broad economic and geopolitical forces that have enabled other regions to compete more effectively with the New York area than at any time this century.
But it is a humanizing portrayal, and it credits the role his magazines, Time and Life especially, played in a country growing uneasily into the dominant geopolitical force in the world.
Essentially, the battle was the result of the very complicated geopolitical forces at work in the Middle Ages that went into shaping what one day would be "Spain".
They could shed their Communist regimes and remain Poland and Hungary, their place in European affairs and in the Soviet orbit still determined by much the same national and geopolitical forces.
In court today, one of Mr. Reid's lawyers, Owen Walker, asked the judge to view Mr. Reid's act as a reflection of "geopolitical forces that we don't fully understand."
Tales about how geopolitical forces can change lives.
These socially aware tales, set in the Mideast, the Caribbean and other distant locales, explore the ways in which large geopolitical forces change the texture of individual lives.
It represents "an adaptation (of the World Bank) to this emerging world order, as a response to the emergence of environmental movements that are becoming a geopolitical force."
A first collection of refreshingly adventure-filled short stories, all concerned with the way huge geopolitical forces can change the texture of small individual lives in distant places.
Now, the military-defense-space sector has a different set of drivers: geopolitical forces and rapidly developing technology in space.