There is little evidence, then, of any enduring market pattern from the biggest geopolitical events.
The embroidery of each map normally took one to two years and, in some cases, much longer due to geopolitical events.
They are swollen by scientific theory and technological data, electronic imaging, geopolitical events and such, along with growing literacy about culture and history.
"The big weight here is geopolitical events and you have to put oil into that."
For a time, geopolitical events and natural disasters indirectly related to the global oil market had strong short-term effects on oil prices.
In the book, Friedman attempts to predict the major geopolitical events and trends of the 21st century.
Michael J. Cuggino, 41, the manager, says the fund helps protect investors from unfavorable markets or geopolitical events.
Brent crude prices are supportive and may stay high in 2012, driven by geopolitical events.
The world was growing smaller, and at no other time had the United States been in more of a position to positively affect geopolitical events.
"A lot of people want to lock in and not be subject to geopolitical events, weather and whatever else can affect costs," Mr. Herb said.