Internal migration refers to human migration within one geopolitical entity, usually a nation.
The state is a political and geopolitical entity; the nation is a cultural and/or ethnic entity.
The terms have no political implications as the region is not a geopolitical entity but a cultural region, without officially established political borders.
Lixin county is a fairly young geopolitical entity among those that have been thousands and thousands of years in China.
"The State of Israel is a geopolitical entity and is not to be validated theologically," it said.
A panhandle is a geographic term for an elongated protrusion of a geopolitical entity.
We're talking about the long-term interests of this geopolitical entity, not the greater glory of the second Berquist administration!
As Norway became unified as a geopolitical entity in the 10th century, the lagtings were established as superior regional assemblies.
This is the historical starting point in studying the development of the region as an enduring geopolitical entity and of Kannada as an important regional language.
However, 50 years ago they were torn away from Europe and forced into a geopolitical entity where they have never felt at home.