Many nations, including the United States, believe the decision will have profound economic and geopolitical consequences, and are lobbying intensely for their favored routes.
Or we could, I dunno, quit being a bunch of profligate, whiny babies injecting fossil carbon into our single planet's atmosphere without regard to consequences physical and geopolitical.
All too often, the acting is empty-headed and the screenplay vacuous, but at minimum, the story is packed with human emotion and geopolitical consequence.
More important are the geopolitical consequences.
I hate to use the word, because it makes me sound like a State Department bureaucrat, but if that happens, there will be important 'geopolitical' consequences.
The least convincing chapters are those that matter most to the author - on the "geopolitical and geocultural" consequences of today's birth rates.
If this attack on America by an extensive terrorist cell is the equivalent of World War III, it's not too early to begin thinking about what could be its long-term geopolitical consequences.
That's because a Turkish economic disaster would have geopolitical consequences for the United States far more severe than the various economic crises that have affected East Asia in recent years.
Mr. Gergorin used the book to further explain his convictions about corruption and money laundering as well as to analyze what he feels are the geopolitical consequences of these two evils.
Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences.