The field on which each geometric arrangement has been drawn appears to be aged paper with beige stains.
The ceiling was a complicated geometric arrangement of slopes and dormer windows.
The geometric arrangement of the primary colors within a pixel varies depending on usage (see figure 1).
So-called "geometric" arrangements, which are described by the number of people involved and their relationship connections.
The front garden, a geometric arrangement of walkway, sculptural shrubbery, and guardians, was not particularly large.
But the garden, a peaceful geometric arrangement of cut hedges and still channels of water, hints at what is inside.
The stress concentration factor associated with this geometric arrangement depends on the type of loading and the three dimensions shown in Figure 2.34.
The success of the kinematics approach thus depends on an ability to define the geometric arrangement of the physical system at desired positions in space.
The courtyard is well known for its alternating black and white stone floor that forms intricate geometric arrangements.
Indeed, the large number of relatively sophisticated geometric arrangements, is notable.