This leads to the Himalayas rising by about 5 mm per year, making them geologically active.
The area around the town is geologically active, with hot springs and rhyolite domes that are less than 1000 years old.
The Pacific Northwest volcanoes continue to be a geologically active area.
Called Long Valley, this rather flat-looking volcanic system has been geologically active for four million years.
This is a geologically active process where the glacier continues to gradually erode the valley sides.
We know that Mars has been geologically active over its history.
They were working in a geologically active part of the earth that could never be trusted until it was better known.
It must have been geologically active when Slakey first found it.
Natural disasters have a long history in this geologically active part of the world.
The park is spectacularly beautiful, ecologically diverse and geologically active.