"Mr. Mani" slips backward in time, as if through geological layers, from 1982 to the mid-18th century.
By interacting with the geological layers, electron neutrinos that had changed flavor inside the Sun would be converted back again.
Perth Amboy sits on a geological layer of clay several hundred feet thick.
A cutting into the landscape has revealed a sequence of all known geological layers in the area.
The presence of weak geological layers is a factor which contributes to submarine landslides at all scales.
Overpressure due to rapid deposition of sediment is closely related to weak geological layers.
It's like digging a hole and studying the geological layers.
The geological layers of the Swiss Plateau are relatively well known.
Babble is a normal parental advice magazine submerged under geological layers of attitudinizing.
It was merely that the geological layers had left this passage when the secondary earths were in course of formation.