The Ohlone living today belong to one or another of a number of geographically distinct groups, most, but not all, in their original home territory.
Béarn wine can be made in three geographically distinct zones.
These data suggest that genetically and geographically distinct groups of bear have replaced each other relatively often during the last 60,000 years.
Regions can be geographically distinct habitats like mountain vs. flatland.
The natural distribution of these species within the Americas is geographically distinct.
Boyd divided the world population into 13 geographically distinct species with slightly different frequency distributions of blood group genes.
Peekskill has been a distinct and geographically defined locale since 1685.
On that basis, he divided the world population into 13 geographically distinct races with different blood group gene profiles.
Vandiver begins by examining the incidence of these practices in three culturally and geographically distinct southern regions.
Wild chimps are reclusive, live in remote jungle areas and form geographically distinct communities.