Many of the names of ports and geographic points are found in Columbus's written texts.
It is the cultural and geographic focal point of New Orleans.
Only in that case you will give people who will view your painting a true idea of how geographic points look.
Multiple Italian expeditions have been exploring the area from a geographic and ethnographic point of view.
At present moment more than 300 000 registered users in various geographic points watch on Neterra.
"The 1990's are going to be more focused in a geographic and business point of view."
Our modern landscape doesn't help in this respect, having long ago lost its anchorage on fixed geographic points.
The show is arranged so every map is paired with another to make some historic, geographic or artistic point.
The park is a geographic point of interest and a scientific and educational center.
The resulting places are very important landmarks, because they combine a known location on the network with a precise geographic point.