Other specialists in polar history and geographic exploration expressed little surprise that Peary might not have actually reached the Pole.
The event is several rides rolled into one weekend of historical and geographic exploration, exercise and fun, says Georgette Yaindl, a spokeswoman for the coalition.
Our 'Communications' will differ from all similar publications in that they will summarise and graphically illustrate the results of new geographic explorations in precisely executed and carefully detailed maps.
Its greatest strength lay in the accompanying maps, for it was thought these would show best the results of geographic exploration.
Mr. Lincoln, a professor of Russian history at Northern Illinois University, begins his book with the early geographic exploration of Siberia, which is two million square miles bigger than the United States.
Bridges, tunnels, pharmaceutical trials, geographic exploration, and of course wars.
The Amelia voyage marked the beginning of a new era for the company---one in which many great voyages of oceanographic and geographic exploration were accomplished, but which would ultimately prove to be a drain on company profits.
In the history of geographic exploration, conquering the polar regions was considered one of the last great prizes because of their inaccessibility and the difficulty of the task.
McMenamin has an international reputation for being able to articulate solutions to challenging problems associated with study of the history of life and the history of geographic exploration.
His work combined military intelligence and geographic exploration.