It was less expensive to develop due to its limited geographic coverage and fewer required missiles.
It was launched in 1971, and reached 100% geographic coverage in 1978 with 140 base stations.
How do we list public services, the organisations that commission and/or provide them, their geographic coverage, etc.
Schroders operates through 34 offices in 27 countries providing wide geographic coverage.
Now he is trying to get even more specific geographic coverage.
It has grown to its present size and geographic coverage through the acquisition of more than 140 other companies.
These include, for example, widening geographic coverage (as in Thailand) and specifying a preferred technology.
CARE has holistic programs, but how much geographic coverage can they have?
In terms of geographic coverage, the closed area was about one square kilometre.
Though circuit riders are not required by law, Congress mandated that each state provide 100 percent geographic coverage.