Obviously, this is disappointing, and genuinely tragic for the citizens of Wisconsin.
By the drama's end, that love will have been shaken in ways to which Mr. Hayden gives genuinely tragic life.
Ariel is what Ally McBeal would be if she were genuinely tragic, and knew it.
Unlike "Robocop," a clever and original science-fiction film with a genuinely tragic vision of its central character, "Robocop 2" doesn't bother to do anything new.
But it is a clue to her Child too - I would expect to find genuinely tragic betrayal stories in her early life.
Gavin's pain and disbelief, so eloquently rendered by Mr. Quaid, take on genuinely tragic overtones as the film progresses.
"Memory" emerges as a genuinely tragic character portrait.
Ms. Curtin's Susannah is a figure of genuinely tragic dimension.
Mr. Mendes emerges as a genuinely tragic figure, swept up in larger forces that ultimately destroy him.
And Henley becomes a genuinely tragic, though hopeful, creation.