Both Joe and Kathy become genuinely touching figures, and their dilemma is wisely left unresolved.
This film captures the magical realism of Mexico as well as telling a genuinely touching tale about the unlikeliest of friendships.
This flaw, though, only detracts somewhat from an otherwise clever, funny and genuinely touching production.
Rediff wrote:"There's a delicate balance between portraying a genuinely touching story and going overboard with emotions.
This context of greater realism does afford some genuinely touching moments, mostly in the frailty and gallantry of the older show-biz troupers.
Balanced by quieter, genuinely touching moments, Mr. Harris's shrill crowd-pleasing pyrotechnics are easier to take.
The Prince's decision to defy his worried father and set off in search of the oranges becomes a genuinely touching moment, as it should be.
Simon has a genuinely touching moment next, saying, "I am so, so proud of what you just did.
The "Murphy Brown" format is kept remarkably flexible, moving easily from broad farce to genuinely touching moments.
And Shinkai gives equal time to the slick action sequences and the well-handled, genuinely touching romance".