Sunday's audience followed it with enthusiasm, obviously enjoying the moments of genuine wit as well as its handsome good looks.
And the thing was, all of these were done not just with considerable polish but with great and genuine wit.
I liked 1a too, a good example of some genuine wit going on in this.
But there's a genuine wit at work here, and a pragmatism that seems especially wry under the circumstances.
What emerges is a quite predictable story and characters who for the most part are shallow individuals with little to say of genuine wit or insight.
Miss Wolfangle may not opt for the punch line that came so easily to her male colleagues but she has a genuine wit.
Exhibited genuine wit under most trying circumstances, and was extremely proper and polite in behavior.
Unlike most sitcoms, this sharply written and acted series has genuine wit.
What some saw as meanness seemed to me something more interesting: an authentic capacity for outrage and a genuine wit.