He was going all out to give the proceedings an air of genuine menace.
Once a genuine menace as a Soviet outpost, Cuba has power to influence American politics that has outlasted the cold war.
At this point it is not even useful to question whether he is a genuine menace or the product of media hype.
The early morning emptiness gives the area genuine urban menace.
There was a suddenly dangerous stillness in the room again, a sense of genuine menace radiating outward from where the two men stood.
But his testimony that the berserker had been a genuine menace after all rallied most people back to the Conservative side again.
What makes his performance interesting is that he keeps Melvin's psychosis in check and thereby creates a character with an undercurrent of genuine menace.
I believed the Soviet Union was a genuine menace.
He stared balefully at the captain with a trace of genuine menace in his tone.