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The group began during the revolutionary 1960s when Italian Christians turned their backs on traditional organized religion and sought a simpler, more genuine faith.
With 'Abdullah's passing, however, the munafiqun lost their strongest pillar, and most of them hurried thereafter to repentance and genuine faith.
Peter Valerian would have been ideal for this discussion: unpretentious, able to communicate clearly, and bulwarked by a genuine Christian faith that engaged him daily.
How, in our modern world, can we distinguish the calling of genuine faith from a murderous lunacy?
To insist that only doubt-free faith can be counted as genuine faith is to misunderstand what knowledge and faith are.
The perfectionism in the demand is more destructive of genuine faith than the worst of doubts could ever be.
Without genuine faith, experience can be easily counterfeited by emotionalism.
As in Puritanism, an emotional experience of religion was the only proof of genuine faith and hence of salvation.
I do think that genuine faith and a relationship with God will cure violence and murder and such; however, imposing religion on people is not the answer.
"A person with genuine faith never dies," Blade declared.