Will it have a wholesome and genuine character that meshes so well with the simple tastes of its customers?
But the subject of both pieces is a rare species and one of the genuine and original characters.
There is, however, no dispute about the genuine character of the Latin works presented in the critical edition.
But although your genuine professional fictitious character knows this goes on, there is very little that he or she can do about it.
Thus Naxalbari Movement after losing its genuine character and nature, came to an 'incomplete' end.
His genuine character has left a permanent mark on all of his men.
He is a genuine character that offers hope to Ruth.
Most successful openings give the reader a genuine character because most stories are about human beings.
Similarly, some novels delay the entrance of a genuine character until chapter two, when something else has enough force to substitute.
You have a genuine character on the page, "You've hinted at conflict.