But for those genuine Christians who have lived a life of personal or doctrinal compromise, the cost will be great.
Most of the genuine Christians of Maywell viewed the witches with wary respect.
Some of Chelčický's statements tend to indicate that he thought only the poor were genuine Christians.
Primarily it will only be Jews and genuine Christians who don't buy into this guy's song and dance routine.
You seem to differentiate between Christians and genuine Christians or believers.
You're saying that many Christians simply pay lip service to a faith, but genuine Christians embrace it from the heart.
The genuine Christians will die for what thev believe because it's a part of their very being.
Do you remember when we talked about the difference between Christians in general and genuine or true Christians or believers?
Christ said that many genuine Christians will be killed during the days of Holocaust II.
Mr. Alvarez criticized his fellow evangelicals, most of whom, he said, do not recognize Catholics as genuine Christians.