Meanwhile Mr. Rand is concerned about the investment he and his partner, Roy Gabay, made in Fort Greene, a gentrified area of Brooklyn.
It's a hugely gentrified area mostly comprised of overpriced shops, bars, (mostly good) restaurants and very expensive warehouse conversions.
He said he also could have looked for a place in a more gentrified area, like blocks in the 70's or 80's of the Upper West Side, rather than the working-class Manhattan Valley area.
The food's OK, mostly sandwiches and salads, but the crowd is a cool cross section, and the not-yet gentrified area shows a side of SF few visitors see.
This gentrified but still slightly gritty area can also cater to those whims.
It's a gentrified area popular with young affluent couples, who patronize the organic butcher and the wine merchant and the coffee shop, and push prams to the playground.
While this increasingly gentrified area still has plenty of dodgy dive bars that are best avoided, the Cambie is a local legend that most Vancouverites love, even if they haven't been here for years.
She has stated she wants to have Skid row look like "a gentrified area for poor people", an attitude that has made her as many foes as friends.
Westgarth, to the south of Northcote proper, is the more gentrified area of Northcote, populated with cafes, bars, small fashion boutiques, and restaurants.
"This was a move to vacate the building and convert it into luxury housing," said Councilwoman Margarita Lopez, who represents the increasingly gentrified area.