He gently thumped his forehead on her shoulder as if beating his head against a wall.
"An unusual building," he commented, looking round him at high walls and ceiling, while his palms thumped gently on the chair arms.
One of the cooks quickly knelt and gently thumped it and the surrounding tiles with a knuckle.
Reacher could feel his own heart, huge and muscular and thumping gently in his chest.
The craft thumped gently to rest.
He thinned his eyes and gently thumped the steering-wheel.
Fist clenched, de Jong gently thumped the table before him.
A cloven hoof thumped gently against the wood floor.
For a total of three hours a day, she gently thumped on her chest and back.
A press was thumping gently at one end of the warehouse.