On the first level the west (front) facade has two large gently arched slightly recessed garage openings flanking a main pedestrian entrance.
At the far side, beyond a pair of gently arching white stone bridges, a large two-story Mansion in the southern style rested amid tree and rock.
Zouga froze, and the snake hissed again and flared a little higher, the raised body arching gently into a taut is) shape.
On the left, several blocks east, be could see lights arching gently into the night sky.
Then, with a decisive inner nod, he sits up, gently arching his head and neck forward.
The forewings are narrow, the costa gently arched, somewhat bent before the middle and the hindmargin straight.
The road ran out onto an old stone bridge, gently arching over the gap.
When his hands, his mouth took possession of her, she arched gently.
He glances sideways, his lips slightly pursed and eyebrows gently arched, his expression haughtily self-confident.
The forewings are elongate, narrow, the costa gently arched, the apex round-pointed and the termen almost straight.