At the outer reaches of his hearing there was a susurration, like fine sand agitated gently in a dried gourd, or the breathing of a beloved woman sleeping at his side in the watches of the night.
The sea was gently agitated, now shewing a white crest, and now resuming an uniform hue; the clouds had disappeared; and dark ether clipt the broad ocean, in which the constellations vainly sought their accustomed mirror.
Effluent enters the inclined plate clarifier where it is usually flash mixed with a polymer flocculant and then gently agitated with a separate mixer.
Some traces of the deeper areas would then merge slightly if agitated gently with a wet and loaded brush.
Subsequently, slides were gently agitated in 0.2% SDS (no salt) overnight at 42 C, washed extensively with water, scanned to ensure that the dye was completely removed, restained with Vistra Green and rescanned.
Once a suitable placer deposit is located, some gravel from it is scooped into a pan, where it is then gently agitated in water and the gold sinks to the bottom of the pan.
The cells were agitated gently for one hour in the absence/presence histamine.
A positive tube would show visible flocculation or granulation, which is accentuated when the tube is gently agitated.
Everything was silent except the leaves of the trees, which were gently agitated by the wind; the night was nearly dark, and the scene would have been solemn and affecting even to an uninterested observer.
When placed in a physiologic solution, the tooth should be gently agitated to permit the cleansing of the tooth root.