At last the horse moved on again, walking slowly at first, and then taking to a gentle trot.
Together, they started off in the direction of Hyde Park at a gentle trot.
The tableau came to life, slowly at first, each horseman urging his mount forward into a walk, then a gentle trot.
He checked his knives, adjusted his swordbelt, glanced behind him, and set off at a gentle trot.
Then he knew that his mare had been for some time on hard ground, and was going with purpose in her gentle trot.
It had fallen into a gentle trot, easily matching his pace.
Afterwards, it's a gentle trot to get back down.
He spurred his horse into a gentle trot and rode carefully down on the hut.
After she had passed the settler's hut off in the distance to her right, she turned northwest and broke into a gentle trot.
Ralf Isambard came into sight along the pathway, splendid in black, riding at a gentle trot.