In each place he took part in the leading movements of the photographic avant-garde; unlike that of many of his contemporaries, though, his work is characterized by a surprisingly gentle sweetness.
Behavior 'unbecoming an officer and a gentleman,'" Hilda said with gentle sweetness, "since you insist.
There was such gentle sweetness to her smile.
The wine of pomegranate color has a pleasant aroma, a full and harmonious taste with gentle sweetness.
But the gentle sweetness of his face quite neutralized the apparent rudeness of the reply.
Harvested, shucked and smoked all in the same morning, they had the gentle sweetness of fresh shellfish.
Although it was hard, in these surroundings, always to follow the fine points of either composer's argument, Mr. Gellev brought off this summation at least with the gentle sweetness it demands.
Its gentle sweetness filled the room, and Will stood more confidently as he listened and thought of the Light.
Later he grows delighted with Lavinia, who is "pretty near as pretty" as her sister, and whose gentle sweetness wins his blunt heart over.