Crowe continued his gentle stroking.
This required a fist full of twenty-dollar bills and a gentle stroking of the cab driver's neck.
Soft pressure rolls up and down arms-they are becoming her arms-a gentle stroking as if this body were a kitten being licked down by a conscientious mother.
His fingers drifted between her thighs and began a slow, gentle stroking.
He went no further, just the gentle stroking of lips against lips until her tongue peeked out and stroked timidly at him.
The warm richness of her rya rugs, hand woven in the 60's and early 70's, invites gentle stroking, like the fur of a long-haired cat.
The sound came in a matter of minutes, and was like the gentle stroking of a mellow gong.
The researchers found that one-third of the fibers in the touch-sensitive nerves responded at low velocity to gentle stroking.
But he kept having to capture her wandering fingers, lulled by her gentle stroking of his hand or his chest.