But in the movie's gentle parody, you could play along without being splashed by the bile.
Some viewers detect an element of gentle parody of Depardieu in Kline's performance.
Not least among its charms was a gentle parody of the Beatles in "When We Was Fab."
This led to several gentle parodies of Monty Python appearing on The Goodies.
This did not prevent the undergraduates of Balliol from a gentle parody in the 1880 Masque of Balliol :
And quite apart from its gentle parodies of opera's sillier trappings, it can surely be included within the canon, as a passionate, gripping work that uses music to punch home its emotional messages.
They proclaimed the island's tongue-in-cheek "independence" as a Kingdom as a gentle parody of the government structure and royal traditions of Denmark.
Magrat believes in crystals, folk wisdom, and cycles of nature, and is overall a gentle parody of New Age pagans.
These stories are gentle parodies of classic mystery devices, the ones so overused they have become cliches.
In a gentle parody of BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, Chris speaks to four women in quick succession.