Then the door slipped open with a gentle hiss of machinery, and Salatrel stepped through.
In the brief silences, Nicholas could hear the gentle hiss of the central air-conditioning.
And finally she heard the gentle hiss of a Flickinger field forming as he activated his e-suit.
The gentle hiss of the surf and the sounds of Aldonya in the kitchen surround him.
They lowered themselves into armchairs, to the gentle hiss of leather cushions.
Moments later there was a gentle hiss accompanied by a sliding noise and the sound of bipedal footsteps.
I turn up the sound, but only a very gentle hiss emerges even at maximum volume.
There had been no sound of a rifle, no explosion, just a gentle hiss and then the men had gone down.
There was a gentle hiss of static under his words.
A gentle hiss should now be heard.