"No." He shook his head then raised his right hand, the index finger lifted in gentle admonishment.
It was the kind of gentle admonishment Li Yuan had come to expect from his Chancellor.
After testing it in the breeze he handed it to McCreight with gentle admonishment to keep it in a place where it could always been seen.
But over time the man did hit his wife three times often as gentle admonishments.
Good behavior is expected in return, and the only written instruction is the gentle admonishment, "Visitors are earnestly requested not to take away any of the exhibits."
He should have remembered his father's gentle admonishment when Chakotay had expressed similar sentiments on more than one occasion as a child.
Eyes wide, Nynaeve was obviously teetering on the edge of whether or not to give him an upbraiding he would never forget, and Elayne would not have minded adding a gentler admonishment.
Or just a quiet chat, his hand in hers; a gentle admonishment that he'd slipped away so suddenly, a kiss on his cheek with her goodbye.
"Pat " began Peter in gentle admonishment, but Cecily overrode him with a sharp, nearly hysterical "How?"
But General Lamb also struck notes of gentle admonishment.