The move appeared unusually abrupt for a company like Schroders, which is family-controlled and likes to project a genteel upper-crust image.
It rather wrecks the genteel image you tried to give me, doesn't it?
The world of crafts tends to bring to mind genteel images, like quilting bees, decoupage lampshades and the pre-prison aura of Martha Stewart.
Dedicated to African-American artists since its founding in 1968, it has lately shed its genteel image.
The genteel image of the game couldn't be further from the truth - it's fast and butch, says Christopher Middleton.
Bathers, peasants and women at their leisure established a repertory of genteel and pastoral images generally to be treated by Gonzalez in a workmanlike fashion.
Avoiding the self-seriousness of other confessional writers, he has played the serious clown who relentlessly punctures his own genteel image.
But the more genteel image cultivated by the private bank has clashed with the aggressive sales culture of the private client services group, current and former employees said.
To complete the genteel image, she was now carrying a big off-white fake alligator purse that she picked up for $2 at the 26th Street flea market.
After Tamaki Drive was built in the late 1920s St Heliers became a commuter suburb and a destination for Sunday drives, altering its genteel image.