Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development conducts preclinical research to understand life processes from the molecular, genomic, and physiological level in regard to diseases affecting Veterans.
On the genomic level, DNA-sequencing and database research are commonly used.
Thus, consistent with their respective transcriptional activities, DNA methylation patterns, at least on the genomic level, are similar between ESCs and iPSCs.
However, with the rise of computational biology and genomics, proteins have become increasingly studied at a genomic level.
A nonsynonymous mutation that occurs at the genomic or transcriptional levels is one that results in an alteration to the amino acid sequence in the protein product.
The Reich team's analysis is the first to have examined speciation in such a detailed way at the genomic level.
This facility creates and utilizes advanced gene chip and gene microarray technologies to examine brain function at the molecular, genomic level.
On the genomic level, his lab has uncovered the mechanisms of chromatin regulation by the Polycomb and trithorax group genes.
In 1998 they began working with the social amoebae, Dictyostelium discoideum, a model organism for exploring the evolution of social interactions at the physiological, genetic, and genomic levels.
The effect can occur directly at the genomic level, where one gene could code for a protein preventing transcription of the other gene.