I didn't want five opinions on how we should shoot it or any genius ideas for rewriting.
"He shouted, 'That's a genius idea,' and from that point on Ron was unstoppable."
I am going on my stag do this weekend and the formal dinner on top of a mountain is a genius idea!
Another example of genius ideas from people who don't seek Internet riches is Chowhound.com.
Telling them to come up with magical genius ideas is all well and good, but it's not something they've ever been particularly good at.
Abadzhiev then had the genius idea for him to just squat with the barbell.
Hiring him as a tree pruner was a genius idea.
But Factor's big genius idea was that ordinary women could look as glamorous as movie stars.
For better or worse, the solution to health care will probably not come from a genius idea in Washington DC.
After reading your comment I that you have a genius idea.