Studies of families in which multiple members have dementia are helping to sort out the genetic underpinnings of the disease.
Unraveling the Genetics It was only two decades ago that the genetic underpinnings of Prader-Willi syndrome were discovered.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the genetic underpinnings of mental disorders are highly complex, likely involving the interaction between many risk genes.
This argument has been cited as evidence that racial categories are biologically meaningless, and that behavioral differences between groups cannot have any genetic underpinnings.
As with all studies of the genetic underpinnings of anthropologically diverse groups, the individual circumstances may differ from case to case.
Although the genetic underpinnings of observable phenotypes are extremely difficult to show, behavioural characteristics can be selectively bred.
There may be genetic underpinnings to how the brain develops these traits.
The disease is exceedingly uncommon, but the team hopes that understanding its genetic underpinnings will shed light on the origins of other similar ailments.
Yet I find the genetic underpinnings of behavior significantly less interesting than the ways in which human beings and animals learn to exploit their inherited and acquired abilities.
Perhaps jointed structures with a common genetic underpinning were not yet restricted to the Arthropoda.