That genetic type resembles other extremely early skeletons found in North America, she said.
We have four separate genetic types already matched with their donors.
One group appeared to have what the researchers called a "predominantly genetic type" of dyslexia.
Similar genetic type among agents isolated from distinct sources at different times or locations.
"Two genetic types, more unlike than any races on Earth."
The strawberry species fall into several different genetic types, based on their number of chromosomes.
The study merely suggests that a much higher proportion of those with this genetic type are likely to engage in these behaviors.
Polymorphism, alternate genetic types in a population (for example different blood groups), is extremely common.
Studies of the genetic types of the pseudomonas showed a strong similarity between those in the three nurses and among the babies.
She said the most conservative estimate is that only 1 in 6.8 billion people shared the genetic type of blood found on the sock.